Reports glossary

Defined terms for our Sym Results report

Below are defined terms for our Sym Results report to help users understand the data provided under each column.

Field name Required? Measurement unit Allowed values Description Notes
Sym # Yes Integer Integers greater than or equal to 0 Unique identification number for sym  
Sym name Yes Alphabetical string Text Plain-text name of the sym run  
Sym type Yes Alphabetical string Text Sym time: app (visual) or voice (audio) can be "visual" or "audio"
Trainee name Yes Alphabetical string Text Name of user who ran the sym  
Trainee username Yes Alphabetical string Text Username of user who ran the sym can be an email or username
Attempt type Yes Alphabetical string Text Setting (practice or test) that the use ran the sym on can be "practice" or "test"
Attempt number No Integer Integers greater than or equal to 0 cumulative total count of the # of times this user has used this sym  
Time performance No Numeric Hr:min:sec The total amount of time the sym was running for leading zeroes on the hour section may be ommitted, for example 01:02:29 may be displayed as 1:02:29
Trainee keyword score No Integer Integers greater than or equal to 0 Number of keywords the user successfully used in the sym Trainee keyword score is less than or equal to keyword score possible
Keyword score possible No Integer Integers greater than or equal to 0 Maximum number of keywords that can be identified in the sym  
Trainee keyword score % No Decimal 0.0 - 1.0 Percent of keywords the user successfully used in the sym displayed in decimal format, for example 0.4 = 40%
Confidence No Integer 0 - 100 Sentiment score for confidence on 0 - 100 scale Measured with an artificial intelligence algorithm
Concentration No Integer 0 - 100 Sentiment score for concentration on 0 - 100 scale Measured with an artificial intelligence algorithm
Energy No Integer 0 - 100 Sentiment score for energy on 0 - 100 scale Measured with an artificial intelligence algorithm
Division No Alphabetical string Text Any division the user who ran the sym is part of  
Team name No Alphabetical string Text Any teams that the user who ran the sym is part of  
Manager name No Alphabetical string Text Any applicable manager for the user who ran the sym  
Date of completion Yes Numeric mm/dd/yyyy hr:min Date and time the sym was run Leading zeroes may be ommitted, for example 07/05/2022 03:15 may be displayed as 7/5/2022 3:15