- Knowledgebase
- Playback and Scoring
- Sym Score
Symtrain Basics
Users and Teams
Sym Creation
- Syms
- Sym Management
- Sym Length
- Labels
- Audio Sym Creation
- Keywords
- Alternative Words
- AI Generate Script
- Record Convo
- Voices
- Upload Call Script
- Visual Sym Creation
- Chat Sym Creation
- Sym Action Options
- Creating a Module
- Overview Video
- Edit Sym Detail
- Upload screen shots
- Hot Spots
- Sequencing and Multi Hot Spot
- Editing Syms and Sym Versioning
- Preview Screen for Visual Syms
- Replace Image for Visual Syms
- Publishing a Sym
- Adding Script Lines to screenshots in a Visual Sym
- Cloning a Sym
- Beginner-Intermediate and Advanced Syms
- Coaching Syms
- Random Branching
- Sym Types
- Upload Call Recording
Playback and Scoring
Use Cases
Sym Score
Sym Score
The sym score is seen on the overview playback page. It is the combined scores of Sym Accuracy, Keyword Score and Click Score- or any combination of these depending on which of these are used in a particular sym. Clicking the Playback on far left of page will show the overview playback page. |