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Roles in SymTrain 2.0

How to use SymTrain

SymTrain Training: General info

3.5 min total video length

  1. Logging into SymTrain (2 min video) 
  2. Dashboard- Roles (30 sec video)
    1. Change role by clicking on avatar (circle with your initials in upper left corner)
    2. Role hierarchy (highest to lowest) = Org Admin, Sym Creator, Manager, Trainee
    3. Every role has access to roles beneath it. Trainees do not have access to any other roles.
    4. User can be assigned 1 role at a time
  3. Access support (52 sec video)

Org Admin

2.5 min total video length

  1. Adding/deactivating Users - Individually and with template (1.5 min video)
  2. Add users to teams individually and with template (1 min video)


5 min total video length

  1. Add user to team – see Org Admin #2
  2. Assign sym to user in team (30 sec video)
  3. View reports - 6 reports available - can Filter, view results and download into Excel (1.5 min video)
  4. View Playbacks (3 min video) - recording for each attempt of that sym by that user. Key word score (from script), click score (from screen shot navigation), sentiment score, Confidence, Concentration and Energy. Sym score is Key words only. Click score is just a total of clicks executed and total possible. 
  5. Sentiment scores (Knowledge base article)


Execute sym (1:32 min video) and view playbacks (2:15 min video)

  1. Overview - highlight of what trainee can expect in sym
  2. Practice - see script, recording, key words and click scores
  3. Start Test – see recording, key words, click score, and sentiment scores. If advanced level sym, script lines will NOT be displayed.

Sym Creator: General info

14 min total video length

  1. Assign syms - individually and with template (30 second video) 
  2. Create module (1:46 min video)
  3. Add labels (1:14 min video) - up to 5 per sym – add in Sym Creation mode or after sym is published 
  4. Use icons as needed post-publication (3 min video) 
    1. Pencil - Edit sym. TIP: If you don’t see a Pencil to edit- it has already been executed by a trainee and is no longer editable. You must clone it and then edit the clone.
    2. Trash can - Delete
    3. 2 square boxes – Clone - if a trainee has already executed a sym, a sym must then be cloned to do edits. This keeps track of which syms a trainee executes in what version of the sym.
    4. Eye - Preview- you can execute it prior to assigning to a trainee. TIP: If you don’t see an Eye icon, the sym has not been published yet.
    5. Play button – attach or view sym overview video
    6. Dot connected to two other dots - creates a deep link to this sym that you can copy and send to another person so they can execute the sym. The recipient must have SymTrain access and the sym must be assigned to them. The deep link can also be placed in an LMS.
    7. Arrow pointing down into a tray – downloads script as Word documents
    8. Lock – allows sym creator to lock access to syms so that no one else can edit or delete their work
    9. File cabinet – archive/unarchive syms
  5. Create and upload sym overview video (1:20 min video); optional but highly recommended; no length limit
    1. Lets trainee know what to expect, sets them up for success.
    2. Short, like movie trailer; highlights only
  6. Create beginner, intermediate, and advanced versions of a sym (a.k.a. how to get 3 syms from 1) (2:46 min video)
  7. Add Random Branching if desired (optional; rarely used) (2.5 min video)

Sym Creation Process

~40 min total video length

Below is the process to create: 
- Audio syms (no screenshots)
- Visual syms (screen navigation only; no trainee speaking lines) 
- Visual syms (audio and screenshots)
  1. Click on Create New Sym to set up Sym details (3 min video)
    1. Sym Name
    2. Version
    3. Coach Voice Name - Same one used in script. CASE SENSITIVE. All Coach lines will go on left side of screen.
    4. Choose computer voice. Best practice is to use computer voice while drafting sym and replace with real voice (for authenticity) once sym is finalized. If you have both customer and coach script lines, upload audio for one or the other (or both) so you have two different voices present in sym
    5. View script in Test Mode - check box for beginner syms so trainee can see all script lines (sentiment score can only be viewed in Test mode). Uncheck for advanced syms.
  2. Add script via one of the methods below (2:46 min video) (see sample script here – Knowledge Base article)
    1. Upload Word document
    2. Manually enter it line by line
    3. Upload call recording - .wav, .mp3, .mp4
    4. Record 2-way conversation
  3. Add keywords (2:12 min video)
    1. structure words in script
    2. Default value = 1 point (can edit as desired)
    3. Add alternative key words
    4. Add negative key words if desired (words that are not in script and that you do not want trainee to say)
  4. Edit script lines as needed (1:42 min video)
    1. Click each script bubble to make changes in script
    2. Move script line from left to right or vice versa (i.e. change speaker) (25 sec video)
    3. Add next script line
    4. Reorder script lines by dragging and dropping
  5. Record Audio (2 min video) - after sym is complete you can record a real voice audio by either recording right in SymTrain or uploading a recorded version of that line. After it is recorded you must click “Exit Audio Attach Mode” button to advance to next sym audio script line to record.

    IF AUDIO SYM ONLY, skip to step 8
  6. (Optional) Turn audio sym into visual sym using one of the methods below: (1:48 min video)
    1. (Paid plans only) Send content (screenshots and/or screen recording) to your Customer Success Manager and SymTrain will turn it into a visual sym. Allow 5-7 business days for processing. 
    2. Build sym yourself 
      1. (optional) Refer to storyboard, if you have one (recommended for syms with 10+ screenshots; template can be found here)
      2. Add visuals
      3. Assign all script lines to screen shots
      4. Add Hot Spots (3 min video)
        • Button (50 sec video) - must click to advance
        • Dropdown (1 min video) - must click to advance
        • Checkbox (40 sec video) - must click to advance
        • Text field (52 sec video) - must click to advance
        • Highlight (1:25 min video) - you set duration (2-3 seconds ideal), after which sym automatically proceeds to next script line/action
        • Coaching tip (1:25 min video) - you set duration (2-3 seconds ideal), after which sym automatically proceeds to next script line/action
  7. Sequence script lines and hot spots on each screen (2:43 min video)
    1. Use Preview Screen option to ensure it executes as expected
  8. Publish Sym (Knowledge Base article)
    1. Sym must be published for Trainee to be able to execute sym
    2. As a sym creator if you publish sym and then preview it to make a change - you must republish to save the change.


Optional but highly recommended self-guided tutorials to reinforce learning.

  1. Build knock knock joke sym (EASY; 3 screenshots, 7 script lines, 2 hotspots). Tutorial here. Allow 15 min.
  2. Build ABC Staffing sym. Allow 30 min.  PREWORK - ABC Staffing sym Assembly Kit instructions.pdf
  3. Build SymTrain Help Desk sym. Allow 30 min. https://help.symtrain.com/knowledge/how-to-build-visual-sym-full-tutorial